Donate Now

Woorayl Lodge Incorporated is a community-based, not-for-profit organisation (NFP)
proudly supported by a local voluntary Board of Management. Our Board actively oversees
the organisation and application of regulatory requirements.

A not-for-profit organisation, as described by the Australian Tax Office, operates for its
purpose and not for the profit or gain of its individual members.

Your donation is applied directly to our aged care facility to ensure the continued care and
wellbeing of our residents. This includes updating our equipment and facilities. Everyone
involved with Woorayl Lodge appreciates every financial donation we receive.

We accept donations from businesses, associations, groups, and individuals. The Leongatha
Rotary Club is one of our ongoing financial contributors, being the group that established
Woorayl Lodge in 1956.

All donations over AUD$2 are tax-deductible, and an official receipt for your $2+ donation
will be issued.

To donate, please call or email our administration department … it’s quick and easy.